Hamstead Hall Academy

Hamstead Hall Academy
Part of the Hamstead Hall Academy Trust Hamstead Hall Sixth Form

  • Pride

  • Persistence

  • Patience

  • Preparation

  • Progress

"Success for All through Hard Work and Harmony"

Curriculum Intent and Vision

Our inclusive curriculum is one of ‘success for all through hard work and harmony’, promoting the values of pride, persistence, patience, preparation, and progress.

The curriculum at Hamstead Hall Academy is broad and balanced, and goes above and beyond the national curriculum. It is well developed and planned carefully to ensure progression in complexity and intellectual challenge from Key Stage 3 to 5. It provides opportunities for deep learning and mastery of subject expertise. Our learners become independent, articulate, and critical thinkers. It develops inquisitive minds that make connections in the world around them.

The curriculum and learning environment are highly inclusive, removing barriers to learning, to enable every pupil to achieve. We have high realistic expectations of all learners. Appropriate assessment and target setting is deliberately ambitious in a quest to bridge the performance gap between different groups of pupils and raise aspirations, thus engendering a sense of personal pride in achievement.

Pupils’ own community, heritage and traditions are starting points to engage, build on learning and develop cultural capital. The curriculum is designed to make learning memorable through creativity and extensive wider provision. It promotes the SMSC, mental and physical development of pupils, preparing them for responsibility and experiences in later life. Learning is enjoyable and our careers provision ensures students are ready to pursue interests further in the future as active citizens.

Our pedagogy of learning is driven by educational research and cognitive science. The curriculum is mapped sequentially and adopts a thematic approach supported by interrogation of challenging texts. Cross curricular links enable pupils to revisit and recall previously learnt knowledge and make it cohere in their long-term memory.

We strongly uphold “success for all through hard work and harmony”.