Designated Safeguarding Leads
Safeguarding Team (ID 1311)
Mrs C Tranter
Mrs C Tranter
Mrs Uppal
Mrs Uppal
Mr S Anthrobus
Mr S Anthrobus
Mrs J Gibson
Mrs J Gibson
Mr I Brown, Ms E Stevenson,
Mr I Brown, Ms E Stevenson
Mr R Gayle, Ms A Malone,
Mr R Gayle, Ms A Malone
Ms S Mall
Ms S Mall
Ms H Billingham
Ms H Billingham
If you are concerned about your safety or that of a friend, you can talk to the following staff about Child Protection Issues or any other matters of personal safety.
- Mrs C O'Sullivan
- Mrs M Uppal
- Mrs C Tranter
- Mrs E Mawdsley
- Mrs J Gibson
- Mr S Anthrobus
- Mr I Brown
- Mr R Gayle
- Mr M Michael
Our governor for safeguarding is Mrs Maxine Blake.
Being safe is feeling protected from harm and danger, never being mistreated, frightened or scared, and knowing you can get help when you need it.
If you are worried about bullying or anything else, please speak
to your Form Tutor, Assistant Head of Year, or Head of Year.
You can also view our support page on the website.
Introduction to Mental Health Support services.
Click here to read our Safeguarding Newsletter.
Introduction to mental health support
As well as focusing on your academic studies, it is also very important that you look after your Mental Health and well-being. Our teaching staff and pastoral team are closely monitoring your academic progress and well-being. In addition to our support, there are many useful organisations and groups to help you during this challenging time:
Young Minds: The Young Minds Crisis Messenger text service provides free 24/7 support across the UK. They will listen to you and help you think more clearly, enabling you to know that you can take the next step to feeling better.
Birmingham ‘With love’: The following organisations have partnered to provide services and support, to help families within Birmingham. (There are lots of useful numbers for children as well as parents).
Bep: Maintaining good well-being: The Birmingham Education Partnership have provided this power point to guide and provide ideas of how to maintain your mental health and well-being during this lockdown.
Other sources of help
ChildLine 0800 1111
Childline is a counselling service for children and young people up to their 19th birthday in the United Kingdom.
NSPCC Helpline 0808 800 5000
The National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children is a British child protection charity.
YoungMinds are a mental health charity for children, young people and their parents, making sure all young people can get the mental health support they need. The Young Minds Crisis Messenger text service provides free 24/7 support across the UK. They will listen to you and help you think more clearly, enabling you to know that you can take the next step to feeling better.
Our aim is to enable staff in every school to understand how to support children who are experiencing domestic abuse, no matter where in the world the child is.
Birmingham Children’s Trust exists to make a positive difference for children, young people and families in the city.
We used to be called Children’s Services and be run by Birmingham City Council. For a long time Birmingham needed to do much more to support disadvantaged children and young people in the city and make sure they were safe.
Your online mental wellbeing community. Free, safe and anonymous support
Our new, modern mental health service offers support, care and treatment for all 0-25s through one organisation, making it easier for you to access the right support at the right time.
We're a partnership of organisations that have come together to support children, young people and families in Birmingham. We also work with a number of organisations in the voluntary and community sector.
Birmingham Education Partnership
BEP is committed to enabling schools to become emotionally supportive and resilient communities for all its pupils.
Bereavement Services
If you are dealing with bereavement in your family then you can find support at or call their helpline on 0800 02 88840
If you are looking for a charity that specifically helps children to cope with the loss of a family member then please visit:
Mindful Colouring Sheets
Click here to download a printable PDF of beautiful colouring sheets.