Hamstead Hall Academy

Hamstead Hall Academy
Part of the Hamstead Hall Academy Trust Hamstead Hall Sixth Form

  • Pride

  • Persistence

  • Patience

  • Preparation

  • Progress

"Success for All through Hard Work and Harmony"


To access the Drama Revision Area please click here

For information on our Drama Club please click here.

Curriculum Intent and Vision

Our inclusive curriculum is one of ‘success for all through hard work and harmony’, promoting the values of pride, persistence, patience, preparation, and progress.

The Drama Curriculum at Hamstead Hall aims to inspire all students to become reflective and creative learners with the confidence to explore the world around them with respect and understanding. All students are given the opportunity to engage with a range of stimuli to develop critical and creative thinking skills, adopt a role, take part in improvisation, devise scripts and use drama forms and strategies effectively to explore and present ideas. In addition, they will develop core transferable skills that underpin successful drama and have the opportunity to empathise with others outside their own social, cultural and historical setting.

By the end of Key Stage 3 students will be able to create a piece of drama from a stimulus utilising a broad range of drama forms and techniques.  Students will have not only developed the language of practical drama but will also have the evaluative vocabulary with which to appreciate and analyse their own work and that of others.

Students will have experienced a range of texts, from photographs and poetry to modern play texts and Shakespeare and be able to produce creative interpretations using performance skills practised and built on over 3 years.  They will draw on their knowledge of theatrical conventions to respond creatively to interpret texts.

They will also explore, through practical work, significant social and historical events which will challenge their view of the world and encourage them to engage in the world around them.

GCSE students will build on the practical techniques that were covered at Key Stage 3 as well as encounter and master many new drama skills.  They will be given the opportunity to explore and investigate a range of themes and ideas in a creative context.  By the end of Key Stage 4 the aim is for students to have the confidence to create meaning for an audience in their practical work using a range of drama techniques.  Experience of exploring the world around them, different ideas, viewpoints and cultures is key to success by the end of Key Stage 4 and the course aims to give students these opportunities.


We strongly uphold “success for all through hard work and harmony”.